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Kilcoskan National School, Kilcoskan, The Ward, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Monday, November 30, 2015

Christmas Carols Concert 2015

30th November 2015
Dear Parents,
As December is approaching, here is an information update for the Great Kilcoksan Christmas Carols Concert 2015. We now have a lovely central “green room” assembly area, so we want to hold the carols there, onsite. However, with 109 pupils in our school and knowing that mams, dads and grandparents etc. might like to come to our concert, for safety reasons we’re going to put the concert on for a 3rd day (ie. one more day than previously advertised). So, I now confirm that our carols concert will be on Wednesday 16th, Thursday 17th and Friday 18th December. It will be the exact same concert each day, featuring all class levels. The timetable for parents / grandparents etc. attending is as follows:

·        Concert on Wednesday 16th December: for parents and guests etc. of pupils in junior infants and senior infants only.
·        Concert on Thursday 17th December: for parents and guests etc. of pupils in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class only.
·        Concert on Friday 18th December: for parents and guests etc. of pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th class only.

Adult tickets cost €5 each and we are allocating a maximum of 3 adult tickets per family. Please now complete and return the slip below, to book your seats. Following return of the slip with money in a clearly marked envelope, tickets will be issued to families.
Best wishes,
CiarĂ¡n Caulfield, Principal
---------------To be returned to Kilcoskan Ns Friday 4th December 2015-------------
The number of adult tickets we request is:______________________________
Family name:_____________________________________________________
Your child’s name:________________________Your child’s class level:_______
Money enclosed in clearly marked envelope:____________________________

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