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Kilcoskan National School, Kilcoskan, The Ward, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Friday, November 20, 2015

A Message from the Kilcoskan NS Board of Management

                                                                                                                        November 2015

Dear Parents,

A new Kilcoskan NS Board of Management term will commence from December 2015 and run to November 2019. Elections must now be held to fill the male and female “parent nominee to the Board” roles (ie. mothers representative and fathers representative roles.) There will be 2 stages to this election process as outlined below.

Stage 1: Firstly, we now invite all parents to nominate potential candidates to go forward for election as the male / female “parent nominee to the Board”. To do this please complete the nomination form/s enclosed, noting that 4 forms are being posted home so that both mams and dads can nominate a male and female parent nominee each, if they wish. Please of course check with any nominee that you are proposing for these positions that they are happy to be put forward. Once you have confirmed that the nominee is happy with this, please complete and return the form to the school by 2.40pm on Monday 30th November 2015 at the latest.

Following this first nomination stage, candidate nominees will be asked to provide a short written biography to the school, which will then be circulated to all parents.  Only upon receipt of this will stage 2 of the process commence, involving:

Stage 2: Biographies of all candidates and ballot papers will be circulated to all parents and each parent of a child in the school will be eligible to vote for a male and female “parent nominee to the Board” of their choice.  Following return of completed ballot papers, the ballots will be counted publicly and one male and one female parent of a child/children in Kilcoskan NS will become a member of the Board of Management for the 2015-2019 school term.

I ask you now at stage 1 to complete the enclosed nomination forms if you know of a suitable parent who is willing to go forward for election. The enclosed nomination forms must be returned to the school by Monday 30th November at 2.40pm. Only after this date will stage 2 commence. Further information about national school Boards of Management can be found on the Department of Education’s website www.education.ie

Yours faithfully,
Mr.Tom Winters, Chairperson
Kilcoskan NS Board of Management

The nomination form below is circulated to all parents of pupils in Kilcoskan NS:

Nomination form for vacant position on the Kilcoskan NS Board of Management for the 2015 – 2019 term.

I (print your own name)_________________________________ wish to nominate (print your nominee’s name)________________________for the vacant position on the Kilcoskan NS Board of Management.  I confirm that I have spoken with this nominee and I understand that he / she is satisfied for me to make this nomination.  (Please delete he/she as appropriate)



Please also print your own name:__________________________

NOTE 1: Completion of this form is part of stage 1 of this process, whereby all individual parents of children currently enrolled in Kilcoskan NS are entitled to nominate one mother AND one father for these roles. At stage 2 of this process, the nominees having been established at stage 1 will be put to a vote.  Stage 2 (voting for candidates) will not commence until after 30th November 2015.
NOTE 2: Individual parents may NOT self-nominate themselves for these positions.

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