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Kilcoskan National School, Kilcoskan, The Ward, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Carols Information Update

                                                                                                                         1st December 2015
Dear Parents,
Probably the most important information paragraph from yesterday’s letter about our upcoming Christmas Carols Concert arrangements was left out of the letter by accident! Apologies! Anyhow, here it is:

The Carols Concert will start at 12.30pm sharp each day (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 16th, 17th and 18th December). It will last one hour approximately. In consultation with our KNS Parents Association, each adult ticket bought for the concert will also include entrance to our KNS Parents Association raffle. All monies raised from tickets and the raffle will go towards a fund for the purchase of tablet computers for use by all the children in our school.

So, please continue to complete and return the form below by this Friday 4th December, noting that adult tickets are €5.
·        Concert on Wednesday 16th December: for parents and guests etc. of pupils in junior infants and senior infants only.
·        Concert on Thursday 17th December: for parents and guests etc. of pupils in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class only.
·        Concert on Friday 18th December: for parents and guests etc. of pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th class only.
Note: parents who have more than one child in Kilcoskan can pick the day that suits best.  For safety reasons, all parents please note that if we are very over-subscribed for one of the days, we may have to call you to rearrange for another day.   With thanks,
Mr.Ciarán Caulfield, Principal

-------------To be returned to Kilcoskan Ns Friday 4th December 2015-----------
The number of adult tickets we request is:___________________________
Family name:__________________________________________________
Your child’s name:________________________Your child’s class level:____

Money enclosed in clearly marked envelope:_________________________

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