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Kilcoskan National School, Kilcoskan, The Ward, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Kilcoskan NS After School Activities Term 1

Kilcoskan NS After School Programme – Term 1

                   5th November 2015
Dear Parents,
I am pleased to now provide you with our Term 1 After School Activities Programme. Huge thanks goes to our super staff who provide these activities totally free of charge but to cover basic expenses each 6 week activity will cost just €6 in total, to be paid fully in advance by this coming Monday. We aim to have something available for everyone but of course each activity can only take a certain amount of pupils. So for term 1, here’s what’s on offer:
·         Mondays for 6 weeks starting 9th November: Aerobics and yoga. Available to pupils from 3rd – 6th class only. Class ends at 3.30pm sharp. 20 pupils maximum.
·         Mondays for 6 weeks starting 9th November: Irish dance. Available to pupils from 2nd – 4th class only. Class ends at 3.30pm sharp. 20 pupils maximum.
·         Tuesdays for 6 weeks starting 10th November: Christmas crafts. Available to pupils from 3rd – 6th class only. Class ends at 3.30pm sharp. 20 pupils maximum.
·         Wednesdays for 6 weeks starting 11th November: Peace Proms Choir. Available only to pupils who have already joined the Peace Proms Choir. Class ends at 3.30pm sharp.
If your child is interested in an activity complete and return the relevant slip by tomorrow, Friday, noting that names will be drawn from a hat if the activity is over subscribed. More activities will be available after Christmas too.
Best wishes,
Mr.Ciarán Caulfield, Principal
My child is interested in Aerobics & Yoga but I know that places will be allocated randomly if over subscribed.  Places will be confirmed on Friday 6th November 2015. Detach & Return
Child’s name:___________________ Parent signature:_________________
My child is interested in Irish Dance but I know that places will be allocated randomly if over subscribed. Places will be confirmed on Friday 6th November 2015. Detach & Return
Child’s name:___________________ Parent signature:_________________
My child is interested in Christmas Crafts but I know that places will be allocated randomly if over subscribed. Places will be confirmed on Friday 6th November 2015. Detach & Return
Child’s name:___________________ Parent signature:_________________
My child is will be participating in the Peach Proms Choir practice on Wednesdays.  Please return this slip to confirm participation by Friday 6th November 2015. Detach & Return

Child’s name:___________________ Parent signature:_________________

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